Jerry Cable, award winning artist painting a sense of home.
Jerry draws inspiration from the New Hope Impressionist School in PA, and Old Lyme Academy in CT. Through his travels abroad, he has studied the late 19th-century European painters, particularly the work of PIzzaro and Monet. Like American Impressionists before him Jerry paints local landscapes of Pennsylvania and New Jersey as well as the Maine Coast and Monhegan Island where he has held workshops. His subjects include farms, animal husbandry, boats, vintage toy still lifes and portraits. His formal art training includes a BFA from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY.
The work of this Bucks County, Pennsylvania artist, teacher, and lecturer, has been published in several books, featured on magazine covers, and lives in public and private collections across the continent. He has exhibited in over 65 juried and non-juried exhibitions, and over 55 solo shows spanning the northeast and New England.